+977 97714370213 travelcorporationnepal@gmail.com

About Us

Our organisation:

Travel Corporation Nepal Pvt. Ltd. is a well-known government authorised trekking company in Nepal, established in 2014 and consists of mainly local english and german speaking Tour Guides with many years experience in organizing and accompaniing Tours and Trekkings in Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet.

Our claims:

With our Tours we want to show our guest as much as possible of the countryside, culture and people and reduce possible prejudices on both sides. We try to show them the reality and the life-style of the country as precise as possible and sometimes after doing one of our trips they see things from a different angle. They get sympathy for this different kind of lifestyle and see their own in a different way.

In organizing such trips to other cultures and outlying regions consists a lot of responsibility for us.

For us, a Trip is not only to transport our guests from A to B or to organize their stay.

We also give a certain percentage of profits to the society, for example support orphans and poor children and pay them the money for school. The founder of this Organization established also 2 orphanages, one in Sundarijal and one in the Manaslu Region. We also offer Volunteering in our Orphanages as well in other well-known projects. By Volunteering you can live few weeks in our projects and help yourself.

Why we are specialists in organizing Trekkings and Tours:

Many of our guides are born in the Khumbu (Everest) Region, Manaslu Region and other famous trekking regions in Nepal. They know the country better than anybody else and provide you a safe and memorable experience. They know everything about customs, culture, religion and every little path in their home region and bring you together with other locals who can show you even more of their traditions and provide you experiences and insights you would not get without them.

And in order that the guides have also knowledge and understanding for the culture and lifestyle of our guest, we pay them education and further training, so that they can speak and guide our tours in different languages. Some of them have been to Austria, learned something there and in return some guides of Austria came to Nepal and accompaniied us with our groups.

We love our countries and we love to go trekking in the beautiful nature and we want you to experience the same.

The goal is your satisfaction and we try best until you are totally happy with your trip.